Kubernetes cluster upgrade
Resolved Apr 23 at 11:00am CEST
We will be upgrading our Kubernetes clusters during that time. We expect very small interruptions.
Infrastructure upgrade
Resolved May 28 at 11:00am CEST
We will be upgrading our Kubernetes clusters during that time to benefit from new features. We expect very small service interruptions but nothing that will affect data.
Kubernetes cluster upgrade
Resolved May 14 at 11:00am CEST
We will be upgrading our Kubernetes clusters during that time to benefit from new features. We expect very small service interruptions but nothing that will affect data.
KIA Platform Maintenance
Resolved May 10 at 08:00pm CEST
The OEM is conducting maintenance during this time; all vehicle clearances and data delivery will be halted. Any clearances triggered or updated during this period will resume afterward. Since KIA only provides data once a day, you'll be able to access data starting from Saturday at 8 am CEST onwards.
Kubernetes cluster upgrade
Resolved May 02 at 11:00am CEST
We will be upgrading our Kubernetes clusters during that time. We expect very small service interruptions.